
My Stop PEP-11 Forever could put an end to this permit for good

22 May 2024

Despite widespread community opposition, BPH Energy and Advent Energy have announced they are pushing ahead with plans to test a large gas target in the PEP 11 area off the NSW coast.

The decision around the PEP-11 permit should have been killed off years ago, yet it is still live – keeping concerned communities from Manly to Newcastle in limbo.

Our PM, when in opposition said he would end it. Scott Morrison, when he was PM tried to end it too. And earlier this year the NSW Government introduced legislation to stop Oil and Gas activities in NSW waters.

Like I have said before this project is like a cockroach that just won’t die. Yet my Stop PEP-11 Forever Bill could put an end to this application and future applications in the PEP-11 area for good.

To make PEP-11 dead in the water, the most permanent solution is to support my Stop PEP11 Forever Bill. This would not only put an end to the project now, it would avoid the risk of further litigation and future applications being made within the PEP-11 Zone. 

If you would also like to see the end of PEP-11, write to Minister Husic to let him know of our community’s strong opposition to this project, and to consider supporting my Bill to put a stop to it.