Water is Life - a special musical event

Water is Life - a special musical event

Sophie Scamps, Kylea Tink and Zali Steggall invite you to join them on Saturday 16 September 2023 for a very special musical event ‘Water is Life’ featuring Mudburra Traditional Owner and singer-songwriter Ray Dimakarri Dixon and Jingili country musician Stuart Nugget.

Ray and Stuart are travelling to Sydney from their homes in the Northern Territory, to share some of their beautiful songs about water and the Country they are fighting to protect from fracking.

Come along and hear how you can support Ray, Stuart and other Traditional Owners and Territorians call on the Federal Government to step in to stop fracking threatening their pristine landscape, waterways and their future.

Starting from 2pm at Don Wilson Playground, corner Park Road and Station Street, Naremburn, this is a free, family friendly, community event.

Bring your friends and family and enjoy this unique musical performance for a good cause!




September 16, 2023 at 2:00pm - 4pm


Don Wilson Playground Naremburn

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  • Jack Georgieff
    published this page in Events 2023-09-11 17:12:17 +1000