Media Releases

MEDIA RELEASE: Biden win paves the way for Australia to adopt Net Zero by 2050

8 November, 2020

Zali Steggall MP says the United States election result means Australia is now trailing behind its biggest trading partners to achieve Net Zero by 2050.

On Monday, Ms Steggall will introduce the Climate Change Bill into Parliament as a Private Member’s Bill that puts forward sensible bipartisan legislation to lower Australia’s emissions and achieve Net Zero by 2050.

“The US election has shown that facts do matter and the truth about climate change matters,” she said. “Under President Elect Biden, the US will now be one of the leaders in addressing climate change.

“The Climate Change Bill I will present tomorrow gives the Australian parliament an important and timely opportunity to end the climate wars and commit to meaningful legislation, as the UK did in 2008.

“This weekend over 100 businesses and organisations wrote a joint letter to every MP asking them to support the Bill. I implore all Members of Parliament to consider that they have the opportunity to set Australia up for the future with this Bill.

“Our emissions have not lowered for four years. Enough is enough. The Morrison government cannot truthfully say they are ‘meeting and beating’ our targets. We are not. The time for misrepresentations and speaking points is over,” she said.

Zali Steggall MP will present the Climate Change Bill into the House of Representatives on November 9.