Community Newsletter

Bushfire Special Newsletter

10 January, 2019

It’s been a horrifying start to 2020. The bushfire crisis has been a terrible national emergency that has galvanised the Australian community spirit.
I’d like to start by thanking the RFS firefighters and volunteers who have shown tremendous bravery in battling these fires and their families and employers for their support. You are truly Australian heroes.
This week we had a briefing from the Rural Fire Service in Terrey Hills to hear how prepared we are in Warringah in the case of a bushfire. While there is no immediate threat, bushfires can be fast moving and unpredictable.
It is therefore vital that you have a bushfire plan. This includes:

  • Knowing how prepared your house is by trimming overhanging shrubs and trees. This can stop fires spreading.
  • Clearing your gutters by removing leaves and debris that can easily catch alight from flying embers. These embers can land on your house from fires that are kilometres away.
  • Deciding with your family whether you are going to stay and protect your house or leave and find safe shelter
  • If you are going to leave, plan where you are going that is safe from fire areas such as a friend or relative’s place. The registered neighbourhood safe places are here
  • If you are going to stay and defend your property, only do so if you are completely prepared (and visit RFS website to find out if you are)
  • Preparing what roads you will take to get to a safer area

 For more details on how to best prepare for a bushfire, visit the RFS NSW website.


  • To report an emergency Call Triple Zero (000)
  • NSW Bush Fire Information Line 1800 679 737
  • NSW Public Information and Inquiry Centre 1800 227 228


It’s in a crisis like this that we can feel helpless and unsure how to help. At the moment we are being told that many RFS stations are being overloaded with material donations and the most effective way to help is to donate money. Here are some links of organisations to donate to:

Red Cross
The Salvation Army


For those who are RFS volunteers or who have been affected by the bushfires there are federal grants now available.
We have a list of the grants you can apply for HERE.
Please stay safe over this summer period,