Media Releases

Statement: Proposed NSW Federal Electoral Division Redistribution

14 June 2024

The AEC has proposed significant changes to the Division of Warringah boundaries with approximately 36,409 new constituents, formerly a part of the Division of North Sydney, and a loss of 15,257 constituents to the Division of Mackellar as part of its proposed redistribution of Federal Electoral Divisions in New South Wales. The proposed plan would see an increase in 21,152 constituents to the electorate.

Under the proposed changes Warringah would lose the suburbs of Killarney Heights, Forestville, Frenchs Forest, Dee Why and North Curl Curl (the rest of Curl Curl would be retained). The new suburbs proposed to be included are Cammeray, Cremorne, Crows Nest, Kirribilli, North Sydney, Waverton and Wollstonecraft.  

It has been an honour to have been Warringah’s representative for the past five years and I remain as committed as ever to serving my community. I will be making a submission to retain all the existing suburbs within Warringah.  As this is a draft proposal, I will follow the due process and take these proposed changes to all the communities impacted and encourage them to make submissions.

My team and I have been proudly doing politics differently, giving the people of Warringah an independent voice in parliament and should the boundaries remain as proposed I will be looking forward to welcoming and serving the many new constituents in Warringah should I be re-elected.

I am mindful these proposed changes will have a significant impact on the North Sydney community. I am disappointed with the proposal to cut the Division of North Sydney. My fellow Independent, Kylea Tink MP has done a fantastic job representing her community. She is an excellent MP and has my full support.


About the Division of Warringah

There has been a division named Warringah since 1922.  Warringah’s name stems from the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island word meaning ‘sign of rain’, ‘across the waves’ or ‘sea’.

Prior to 1949 it included areas now in the electorates of Mackellar and North Sydney. Since 1968, the core of the division has been the suburbs of surrounding the two main commercial hubs of Mosman and Manly – and there have been a range of additional suburbs included or removed, including Cremorne, Castle Cove, Dee Why, East Linfield, Forestville and East Killara.