Roadmap Waste

Each year Australians waste around 7.3 million tonnes of food equivalent to about 300kg per person or one in five bags of groceries, at a cost of about $20 billion! Source: Australian Government

If we get better at buying only what we actually need to use, and avoid single-use and non-recyclable materials, we can limit the amount of energy needed in their production Explore the checklist to find out more.

Roadmap-To-Zero logo Waste Checklist
  • Pick up & bin litter when you see it (but wear gloves & wash your hands aftee)
  • Say “no” to single-use plastics like straws. Instead use re-useable bags, bottles, cups, etc
  • Take a re-useable water bottle with you whenever you go out
  • Limit the new clothes that you buy and recycle old things at an Op Shop
  • Recycle old clothes rather than send them to landfill
  • Learn more
  • Buy the odd-shaped fruit and vegetables
  • Switch from disposable batteries to re-chargeable
  • Re-use wrapping paper or use alternatives to disposable paper (eg Furoshiki)
  • Choose gifts that have minimal/no plastic packaging

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