Media Releases

STATEMENT: Local Government Rates

28 January 2025

Local governments are experiencing the same pressures on their budgets as residents and small businesses with insurance premiums, wages, energy and construction costs continuing to rise.

It’s essential that in considering the proposed rate rises, local governments reach the right balance between transparency, accountability and meaningful community consultation and financial sustainability. 

The NSW Parliament’s report Ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services has shown that local governments are finding it increasingly difficult to fund critical infrastructure and essential services for the community. 

Local Government NSW said the report’s recommendations “Reflect recognition that the financial sustainability of councils is being persistently eroded and that, without improvements, all communities will suffer."

Given this, it’s disappointing to see local state Liberal MPs focusing on political posturing rather than fighting for increased funding for our local governments from State Government.

I agree that the current model is unsustainable and unfairly falls on residents. It’s essential that NSW receive a fairer proposition of GST revenue, and I will continue to advocate for that with Federal Government.

It is also essential that state, territory and federal governments address the growing costs to local governments from escalating climate risks. To that end, I am in discussion with the Federal Government, banking and insurance sectors to all come to the table to support smarter solutions.

I’ve prepared a Private Members Bill [Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation) Bill 2025] to establish a national framework for adaption and mitigation for climate change, hosted a roundtable in parliament with key stakeholders, including local government representatives and met with all three local governments’ mayors and general managers to discuss how to best support our communities.

I urge all local governments proposing rate increases to do so in a manageable way so that residents are not unfairly burdened and prioritise cost savings.