Warringah comes first
12 March, 2021
As the Federal MP for Warringah, I love meeting residents, business groups and organisations to hear firsthand what issues matter most to you.
I have had over 800 Zoom and in-person meetings to hear your views and better represent your concerns and issues in Parliament.
My team of local staff have helped me respond and process over 29,000 emails received to my office, on issues ranging from NDIS concerns, immigration, aged care, travel exemptions and many more. We are here to help, so please get in touch at zali.steggall[email protected]
Warringah comes first.
For instance, this last fortnight I’ve had Zoom meetings on many topics with:
- a number of local businesses providing a range of environmental solutions
- a local not-for-profit group providing financial assistance and advice to those who are struggling,
- providers of the NDIS who are expressing their concerns about the Government’s planned changes to the disability support system
- a group of CEOs of “ASBEC” member organisations - including the Property Council of Australia, Planning Institute of Australia, Australian Institute of Architects, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, Green Building Council of Australia, Energy Efficiency Council, Engineers Australia, Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia
- the Lock the Gate Alliance
- an alliance of environmental groups running a “Better Futures” campaign
I’ve also met with Ministerial staff to discuss the recent bushfire at North Head and a group of nurses to discuss the significant challenges facing our Aged Care sector.
I’ve also been out and about visiting:
- local businesses and community groups in Freshwater,
- a local business that produces children's television shows
- the “Be Centre” which provides play therapy to children experiencing trauma
- “Manly House” - a new supported living facility in North Manly; and
- the facility run by the Cerebral Palsy Alliance in Allambie Heights
Residents of the Northern Beaches are now eligible to download their two Dine and Discover vouchers that are $25 each to support our local businesses. Make sure you apply online by clicking this link: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/dine-discover-nsw
And to see whether your favourite café, restaurant or art gallery is included in the program, click on this link https://mybusiness.service.nsw.gov.au/dine-and-discover/business-finder
Thank you to St Matthew's Church in Manly for having me at the opening of the Darley Smith Building recently. St Matt's has been integral to the Manly community for many years, including its support for homeless.
The Darling Smith building showcases amazing architecture by Du Plessis + Du Plessis Architects who are a local husband and wife duo, Eugene and Henke Du Plessis. I'm sure the Manly community will benefit from the state of the art auditorium for many years to come.
For more information about the church go to https://www.stmattsmanly.org.au/
Recently, I enjoyed visiting Ben Sprange who is a resident of the brand new Manly House in North Manly, which provides independent Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) on the Northern Beaches. At Manly House, residents can choose their own Supported Independent Living (SIL) provider or engage Catholic Care who provide (SIL) care for Ben and two other residents at Manly House.
My team and I assisted Ben with his dealings with the NDIS in his transition to this accommodation. If you require assistance with any aspect of the NDIS, please email me at zali.steggall[email protected]
Thanks to Bookoccino and Marian Wilkinson for hosting a fantastic panel discussion last night with Mike Cannon-Brookes and Professor Tim Flannery on the hopes, fears and challenges of climate change.
We discussed that the need to get to net zero by 2050 is greater than ever and Australia has all the technologies we need to get there, especially with projects such as the Sun Cable.
The Climate Change Bill is currently in Parliamentary inquiry and is in the report stage. For more information go to www.climateactnow.com.au
Thank you to everyone who attended. It was a full house!
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