Letter to the Treasurer: JobSeeker
19 March 2020
I wrote to the Treasurer Josh Frydenberg asking him to consider specific measures to assist communities like the Warringah electorate in the stimulus package that was presented to Parliament on Monday March 23. The FULL LETTER can be found HERE.
For households:
1. Provide a direct cash payment to households capped at a certain income threshold, including all new applicants to JobSeeker
2. Provide JobSeeker to all new applicants without questioning the cause of their unemployment and removing the mutual obligations for at least three months
3. Work with all State Governments to provide utilities relief for both businesses and households
For business:
1. Provide targeted tax refunds for business in respect of their losses. This would be an important business continuity measure that would bring forward deductions for losses rather than the business having to wait for a return to profitability
2. Government support for interest free loans for businesses and wage subsidies for up to six months
3. Work with all State Governments to issue rent and mortgage holidays or discounts for small businesses
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