Community Newsletter

Listening to the Community

18 February, 2020

My team and I have just returned from Parliament for a week back in the electorate office before heading back to Canberra for another two weeks.

Below is an update on the work we have be doing drawing on our core values of innovation, integrity and inclusion.


I officially launched the Climate Change Bill last week in Parliament House, with my crossbench colleagues Rebekah Sharkie MP, Helen Haines MP, Andrew Wilkie MP and leaders in agriculture, science and health.

The Climate Change Bill calls on the government to have proper plans in place to cope with the impacts of climate change, including a Climate Change Commission that provides national emission target adaptation planning. The Full Bill is now available to read HERE

To make this Bill work we need to put pressure on MPs from both sides of politics to support it which is where you come in! Please say YES to support and share our petition with your friends and family who live outside Warringah where they can write to their federal MP:


This sitting fortnight was certainly eventful. As mentioned, we launched our Climate Change Bill; saw changes in the Greens leadership and survived a leadership spill by Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce.

Please watch my Canberra Diary HERE


We have been so pleased with the uptake of Warringah’s Roadmap to Zero that enables you to monitor your emission use. If you haven’t already signed up, please join hundreds of other Warringah residents HERE

Our amazing volunteers continue to work so hard for our community. To sign up to Team Zali do get in touch via the website:

If you have signed up to become a volunteer but are not receiving emails please get in touch with our coordinator Wendy at [email protected]


My team and I are available to meet and discuss any issues. To get in touch email zali[email protected] or call the office on 9977 6411.