Each year Australians waste around 7.3 million tonnes of food equivalent to about 300kg per person or one in five bags of groceries, at a cost of about $20 billion!
Australian Government
If we get better at buying only what we actually need to use, and avoid single-use and non-recyclable materials, we can limit the amount of energy needed in their production
Explore the checklist to find out more.
Waste Checklist
- Avoid disposable plates, cutlery and straws when catering and in operations
- Ask your caterers to keep packaging, especially single-use packaging, to a minimum
- Install a water fountain to encourage your staff to use re-useable water bottles
- Switch from disposable batteries to re-chargeable
- If you have a staff café, ensure they’re buying coffee from a sustainable source and ask them to set up a loan cup system instead of using disposable cups
- Avoid buying products with unnecessary or excessive packaging
- Go “paperless”
- Conduct a Bin Trim review Learn more