
Statement on Rentaspace fire at Brookvale from Zali Steggall

9 April 2019

At the request of the people affected by the recent Rentaspace fire at Brookvale, I met with their representatives, Mayor Michael Regan and  the Northern Beaches Council executive manager of community engagement and communications.

It was a very productive meeting, and I would like to make the following statement:


I would like to offer my support to both the local families and the businesses who have been affected by the devastating fire at the Rentaspace Storage facility in Brookvale, including the business owners of Rentaspace. The impacts on all concerned have been devastating.

I understand that local families are eager to inspect the premises to ascertain if anything is retrievable, and that Northern Beaches Council is doing everything within their means to facilitate this. I call on all parties to work together to get the best possible outcome in these difficult circumstances, and I call on community leaders to support these efforts.


Zali Steggall