Parliamentary Updates

Zali Steggall MP speaks on transport issues in Warringah

3 June 2024



A few weeks ago along with the Independent member for Wakehurst at state government level, I co-hosted a forum to discuss the future of public transport and road infrastructure in Warringah in the wake of the state government scrapping of the beaches link road tunnel that had been the subject of Commonwealth funding. It was a productive forum with the State Minister for Roads and Parliamentary Secretary for transport both in attendance and answering questions from constituents, key areas covered include buses, our best transport option, and ongoing issues with congestion. There is pressure to densify and build more housing but with that must come good infrastructure planning and public transport. If not, the system fails. While in many ways transport is a state issue, action is needed at a federal level. In 2019 the Australian Infrastructure Audit ranked the North Sydney – Northern Beaches corridor as the fourth most congested corridor in Sydney’s evening peak periods and there are currently two projects for the Northern Beaches on the infrastructure Australia priority list to help alleviate these issues, but there has been very little progress on the North Sydney to Northern Beaches capacity improvements and the Northern Beaches corridor capacity Seaforth to Mona Vale. I will continue working on this on behalf of my community.