
Stronger Communities Grant Program

Stronger Communities Program – Round 9

Do you have a small capital works or capital expenditure project in Warringah that needs funding?

Expressions of Interest are now open for Round 9 of the Federal Government's Stronger Communities Program. Click here to submit your EOI.

For more information about the Stronger Communities Program, including eligibility criteria and guidelines, please click here.

The deadline to submit an expression of interest is Monday 3rd February, 2025.

The Stronger Communities Programme aims to deliver social benefits in communities across Australia by funding projects in each of the 151 Federal electorates. The program provides grants for community projects to strengthen and benefit local communities and is part of the Government’s 2024-25 budget initiatives.

The intended outcomes of the program are to:
• Encourage and support participation in local projects
• Improve local community participation
• Contribute to vibrant and viable communities.
Grants between $2500 and $20,000 will be available to fund a maximum of 20 projects per electorate. The maximum cost of each project must not exceed $50,000

Successful nominees will be invited to lodge an application with the Department of Industry, Science and Resources from 14 February 2025.

If you have any queries, please contact the office on (02) 9977 6411 or email: [email protected]