Community Newsletter

A year of turning Warringah Turquoise

22 May, 2020

It is hard to believe it has been a year since the 2019 Federal Election where so many supporters stood in bright turquoise, hoping to usher in a new era for Warringah, focussed on positivity, integrity and passion to make a difference.
From that exciting day, it has been an unforgettable year. It is always such a privilege and honour to represent Warringah in Parliament - to hear your concerns and work with you to find solutions.
It is hard to pick out a favourite moment during the last year as so many have been special, from the visits to Parliament of our local students to our community forums and ongoing campaign for better climate policy.


I am incredibly lucky to be supported by an exceptional team and together, we are working hard to deliver for Warringah.
We have dealt with over 16,000 emails and I have delivered 49 speeches in Parliament on issues that you have raised with me. My team and I have also facilitated a total of 170 grants awarded in Warringah including:

  • 16 grants awards to schools in Warringah
  • 83 grants given to business, community and sporting organisations
  • 71 recipients of the Local Sporting Champion Grants

And we continue to be supported by so many volunteers, passionate about the issues and dedicated to our community. Fittingly, this week was National Volunteers Week is this week, so thank you to Team Zali, for being the best volunteers!                 
I know times are tough for many, so I hope that we can all be together soon. As I said in my first speech, I am only one but still I am one. It has been an amazing journey and I will always work my hardest to represent you.

I am so proud of our community and excited at the opportunities we have to ensure a safer, cleaner future for the next generation.
Last week I joined a small number of MPs in Parliament House as COVID-19 legislation and other Parliamentary business was put before the house.
During Question Time, I asked Prime Minister Scott Morrison about the role of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission. I am increasingly concerned that the Commission lacks accountability and transparency.
You can watch my question and the Prime Minister’s response HERE
I also spoke to the Guardian and the ABC’s Radio National Breakfast program about the accountability and transparency of Commission. 
Other legislation affecting Warringah residents that I spoke on in Parliament includes:
•          The Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Emergency Leave) Bill 2020
I am supportive of the intent of this amendment, which allows residents to take leave from their aged-care facility during an emergency, such as the one we are in currently, and for the provider to retain eligibility for the residential care subsidy. You can read the transcript of my full speech and watch it HERE
•          Privacy Amendment (Public Health Contact Information) Bill 2020
I spoke about the correct handling of the data collected by the Government’s COVIDSafe tracking app. You can read the transcript of my full speech and watch it HERE

•          Protecting vulnerable workers and people in our society
I called on the Government to look after casuals, youth, women, arts and hospitality sectors, in its plans. You can read the transcript of my full speech and watch it HERE
The Senate Inquiry looking into the role of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission is taking submissions which close next Thursday, May 28.

The Inquiry welcomes submissions from individuals about their experiences in relation to the Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To make a submission, click on this link                                               

I have been enjoying talking to a range of experts, university students and constituents through webinars and our Zooming In With Zali series. These videos are now available:
•          The Australia Institute webinar about the role of climate action in rebuilding after a pandemic 
•          Discussion with Damon Gameau how we can ensure government accountability during COVID-19, how we #BuildBackBetter, and the importance of a Climate Change Act for Australia. HERE
•          Zooming In With Zali featuring the director at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, Tim Buckley
•          Zooming In With Zali featuring accredited dietician Pennie McCoy
•          For the whole Zooming in with Zali series please click HERE

•          MAY 29 Have your say on the Harbour Trust HERE 
•          JUNE For budding photographers, the annual Mosman Photography Awards is open. Entries close in June. To read more about the awards visit this website
My team and I are constantly working to find solutions for you, your family and friends during this time.
You can keep up to date at our website and get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling the office on 9977 6411 if you have concerns.
Please forward this on to your network of family and friends in Warringah.

Stay safe,