Media Releases

MEDIA RELEASE: Zali Steggall MP says Royal Commission Bushfire findings show Australia needs to act on climate change

30 October, 2020

Zali Steggall OAM MP says the Royal Commission findings into last summer’s bushfires is the reckoning we need to have.

 “The Royal Commission final report makes it clear - increasing temperatures due to climate change will contribute to greater severity of extreme weather and natural disasters in Australia,” Ms Steggall said.

“The outlook for Australia is alarming. Australians are now staring down the barrel of more unpredictable and dangerous events that will affect our safety and prosperity as a nation.

 “The report highlights that regular risk assessments and strong adaptation plans are absolutely necessary to respond to these events. It is time to be unified in addressing climate change. This is not about left or right politics, it is about Australia’s long-term safety and economic prosperity.

“It is in our national interest to have sensible, bipartisan legislation in place that requires regular risk assessment, adaptation planning and long-term mitigation by locking in emission reductions.

“Just as the UK passed its Climate Change Act in 2008, Australia has the opportunity to do the same with the Climate Change Bill to be presented to Parliament on 9 November.

“I’m calling on the Prime Minister to join our trading partners the UK, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand who have all committed to Net Zero emissions by 2050.

“Australia cannot be left unprepared for the biggest challenge of our times.”

Zali Steggall MP will introduce the Climate Change Bill on November 9 that calls for a sensible bipartisan approach to legislating Net Zero emissions by 2050. The Bill is modelled off the UK’s Climate Change Act that was introduced in 2008. For more information go to:

For media requests call Sarah Whyte on 0407 790 892