Pathway to equality and integrity
10 September, 2021
From Monday, there will be some easing of restrictions in Greater Sydney. Namely, five adults who are vaccinated will be able to enjoy a picnic or recreational activity outside. Children under 12 are not included in the five.
This is the first step to reopening Greater Sydney and I am hopeful we will reach the 70% double vaccination target soon. To keep up to date with the Greater Sydney restrictions click HERE. When Greater Sydney does start to reopen at 70%, the details of what restrictions will change can be found HERE.
Last week, I participated in Federal Parliament remotely from my Electorate Office in Manly. I was able to speak on a number of issues including:
- Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect@Work) Amendment Bill
- Paid Parental Leave
- Why an Integrity Commission is needed
- Asking the Prime Minister why MPs and political third parties can lie in advertisements
To see all my speeches and questions in Parliament go to
Please join me online for the Forestville forum on Tuesday 14 September, 6.30pm to 8.00pm and have your say on the issues that are important to you and your community.
When registering you can submit your key questions to make sure I cover the topics that matter most to you. Please register to receive the meeting link:
I was so grateful to Layne Beachley AO who joined me as my guest for Zooming in with Zali last Friday to discuss some really simple lockdown techniques. Thank you to everyone who sent their questions in. If you missed it, you can watch the full session HERE
Thanks also to Layne for allowing us to share her Self Care plan below. More information can be found HERE

Australia's first Women's Summit held this week reminded many of how far we have to go to be a truly equal and equitable country. From paid parental leave to financial and domestic abuse of women, the summit was an insight into a world of discriminatory legislation and aged-old expectations of women in Australian society.
The release this Sunday of the film Strong Female Lead exposes the horrendous treatment of Australia's first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Irrespective of political views, the misogynistic abuse that she was subjected to was disgraceful and a stain on Australia’s political history. To see the trailer click below:
This week we also held an Aged Care Forum to assist community members who have questions about the Aged Care system. It was an invaluable session and we have received lots of positive comments. The link to the Forum can be found HERE or on our website HER
Finally, I urge you all to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The sooner we have a vaccinated population, the sooner we can begin to reopen. Please contact my office if you need help booking on (02) 9977 6411.
The annual Refugee Communities in Cultural Transition (CiCT) Forum “Sharing our Stories, Showcasing our Successes” which will be held online on Thursday 30 September from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Registrations are open from
- Submissions are now open until September 19 on a draft Ivanhoe Park Landscape Masterplan. For more information go to
My team and I are constantly working to find solutions for you, your family and friends and our general community. You can keep up to date at our website or by calling the office on 9977 6411 if you have concerns.
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