Parliamentary Updates

Zali Steggall MP thanks aged care workers

5 September 2023

I rise to thank all those working in the aged care sector and express my deepest thanks on behalf of the people of Warringah. We have over 760 workers in aged care employed in residential settings across Warringah and many more caring for older people in place. These individuals are the unsung heroes of our community, the pillars of compassion and dedication that uphold the dignity and wellbeing of older Australians and we know from the intergenerational report how much more we will be relying on them. I recognise all aged care workers, including personal carers, allied health professionals, nurses, cooks and cleaners, those working in a residential setting as well as those who go to the homes of those ageing in place and provide services, support and comfort to those who are able to age in their homes. I have met with many aged care workers who reaffirmed their commitment to rise each day with a single purpose: to provide comfort, companionship and care to those who once cared for us. Nurses in aged care play an integral role in the health system caring for elderly residents in place, rather putting them through the trauma of transfer to and from hospital. I welcome the significant pay rise afforded to these workers, especially nurses, on recommendations of Fair Work Commission and I urge employers to pass the wage rise on in full. Their work is a testament to their commitment in preserving the stories and experiences and taking care of the elderly.