Welcome to the Roadmap, a community in which locals can learn and share ways to be more sustainable and make a pledge to reduce carbon emissions.

Let's Create a Plan for Positive Change.
We can all make a difference
In it’s Emissions Gap Report 2020, the UN Environment Programme calculated that two thirds of global emissions are driven by the choices we make as individuals. So while governments do need to be more ambitious with their national plans, there’s a lot to do at a local level as individuals.
In it’s Emissions Gap Report 2020, the UN Environment Programme calculated that two thirds of global emissions are driven by the choices we make as individuals. So while governments do need to be more ambitious with their national plans, there’s a lot to do at a local level as individuals.
What is Warringah’s Roadmap to Zero?
The Roadmap is a network that puts you in touch with other like-minded locals, gives you access to checklists of manageable actions in areas like: Energy, Waste, Transport, Finance, Food and Water and provides regular newsletters on Warringah’s progress to reduce its carbon footprint.
The Roadmap is a network that puts you in touch with other like-minded locals, gives you access to checklists of manageable actions in areas like: Energy, Waste, Transport, Finance, Food and Water and provides regular newsletters on Warringah’s progress to reduce its carbon footprint.
Join now and see how you can make a difference.
I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I believe that if everyone takes that approach, we can do anything!
Zali Steggall's First Speech, 24 July 2019
Zali Steggall's First Speech, 24 July 2019
Emissions in Australia
Emissions contribution in Australia by sector. Households make up around 20% of Australia's total emissions.
The estimated emissions of a general household in Australia.
Did you know?
Feeding certain seaweeds to cows can reduce their methane emissions by as much as 80%!

Join Warringah's Roadmap to Zero community to receive information and ideas about living sustainably
* Sourced from ABS 2016 Census.